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Norwalk, CA

California Tree Filter

Starbucks, Norwalk, CA progression across three years.

California Tree filter installation
California tree filter installation

StormTree was contracted to install a tree filter system adjacent to the Drive Thru of a Starbucks in a heavily congested area. Due to the need to fast track project completion to avoid disruption of café operations, and anticipated delays in receiving a closed box tree filter system from a different systems provider, the contractor contacted StormTree to design and size an alternate system. StormTree completed the system design in 24 hours, and; the civil engineer approved the design two days later. StormTree provided and delivered the system within 8 weeks of initial contact.


During excavation for the StormTree system, an irrigation line was discovered
traversing the location for the concrete structure (see above left photo). StormTree’s unique open design allowed for the placing of the structure over the irrigation line without disturbing or rerouting its location.


The StormTree system was installed during normal business hours without interruption—even the Drive Thru lane remained open.

Santa Fe, CA


Fall River, MA

StormTree completed a various streetscape projects in Fall River, Massachusetts. 14 tree pit and stormwater management systems were installed as part of urban renewal efforts in densely populated areas in the City. Working with landscape architects and urban foresters, street trees were chosen for their ability to develop mature canopies in the highly impervious
environment. Many systems incorporated interior pretreatment sumps to collect and segregate sand and debris. An interior weir wall within the structure channels and distributes incoming water from the street and top surface to provide irrigation to aid in developing and expanding the root zone beneath the sidewalk surface.

Fall River

Norwalk, CT

StormTree was contracted by the City of Norwalk, Connecticut to provide tree filter systems to manage stormwater runoff emanating from a newly constructed traffic island. The island incorporated green space, and included additional parking to service adjacent restaurants and other retail establishments. Two 5’X11’ structures with interior sumps to collect sand and trash were designed and installed in the approximately one acre island space. The open design allowed for extending the subsurface engineered soil media area roughly twice the dimension of the structure. Runoff collected and filtered through the engineered media to reduce phosphorous and nitrogen loading is discharged to the existing stormwater drainage network.

Norwalk, CT


Providence, RI

In July 2019, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo officially opened the Wexford Innovation Complex in the City of Providence. The 196,000-square foot building accommodates tenants including Brown University and Johnson & Johnson.


StormTree provided stormwater management systems along the sidewalks adjoining several street entrances. The StormTree systems were sized to service approximately one quarter acre of paved surface.

Providence, Wexford


Big Rapids, MI

Big Rapids, MI tree filter
Big Rapids, MI tree filter
Big Rapids, MI tree filter winter

Named by a lumberman in the mid 1800’s for the many rapidly flowing rivers in the area, Big Rapids, Michigan, the City of over 10,000 undertook a streetscape rehabilitation project in its downtown district which was funded by a “DIG” or Downtown Infrastructure Grant.  StormTree® units were designed as retrofits within existing sidewalks, and as part of streetscape upgrade in their restaurant district.  The StormTree systems were selected to serve the dual purpose of reducing stormwater runoff and pollutant loading, and enhancing the “urban forest”. Each system was sized to treat approximately 0.20 acres of street runoff.  Lighting was added to provide a touch of warmth and ambience to the cold of winter.

Big Rapids, MI

South Portland, ME

South Portland, ME tree filter
South Portland, ME tree filter
South Portland, ME tree filter

South Portland progression across five years.

South Portland, ME

Leominster, MA

Leominster, MA
Leominster, MA tree filter
Leominster, MA tree filter


Providence, RI

Cranston St., Providence, RI


University of Connecticut tree filter
University of Connecticut tree filter
University of Hartford

North Scituate, RI

North Scituate, RI tree filter
North Scituate, RI tree filter
North Scituate, RI

Chino Hills, CA

StormTree was selected to provide 15 tree filter systems as the primary stormwater management infrastructure for a 10-acre commercial buildout in Chino Hills California. Approximately 200,000 square feet of hotel/medical/restaurant/office space was completed, with the remainder of the acreage impervious paving or landscaping.

Chino Hills, CA

Westwood, MA

The 130-acre University Station project is one of Massachusetts largest development projects transforming a vast stretch of former industrial property along Interstate 95 into a miniature city with hundreds of new homes, stores, and transportation hub.


Stormwater management and green infrastructure played a role in the design and execution of a portion of the project in close proximity to a heavily used commuter railroad station and major interstate highway. StormTree® being an approved vendor for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) was chosen by the site contractor to provide tree filter systems at a heavily traveled intersection adjacent to the railroad station.


Each 5’ X 7’ StormTree® unit was designed to service approximately 0.25 acres of impervious road surface. The advantage of utilizing an “open design” tree filter system allowed for installing a subsurface high infiltrating media bed within a 7’ X 10’ subsurface footprint beneath the sidewalk. Given sidewalk and pedestrian setback constraints, this flexibility provided a tremendous advantage compared to a closed box system which would require a larger concrete footprint.


Amur Maple (Acer Ginalla “Ruby Slippers”) and Callery Pear (Acer Calleryana “Cleveland Select”) were selected for both their ornamental value, narrow growth pattern, and for their proven durability as street trees.

Westwood, MA


Providence, RI

South Street, Providence, RI tree filter
Providence, RI tree filter

Adding some green to the brick, concrete and asphalt of Providence, Rhode Island. A tree filter system with curbside entry that is collecting and treating stormwater from approximately 0.25 acres of impervious surface. After 3 years now, we call it the Hardest (and only) Working Tree on the Street™.

South Street, PVD, RI


Plymouth, MA

A nationally recognized architect of educational design, in collaboration with a local engineer, contracted StormTree to design and provide 20 tree filter systems of various dimensions for a new high school in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The 250,000 square foot building and campus also includes 13 technical vocational programs accommodating over 1,000 students. The StormTree systems service stormwater runoff emanating from the 8+ acre parking lot complex. The StormTree systems, and high efficiency mechanical, lighting, and water fixtures, all contributed to the sustainability features which earned the School LEED Silver certification.

Plymouth, MA

Mashpee, MA

Mashpee Commons, located on Cape Cod in Massachusetts originated as an open-air shopping center that is built in the style of New England town centers. Initial construction was in the 1960’s with major expansion in the 1980’s, and in 2015. Further expansion is anticipated with a partial conversion to mixed use to include residential development. StormTree installed 15 tree filter systems within newly developed sidewalks to provide stormwater management and enhanced greening of the streetscape. Due to the elevated slope of several roads, and large quantities of sand and sediment typical in stormwater runoff in this sandy coastline and from winter sanding operations, the systems were constructed with attached catch basins to collect this loading for efficient removal. Another custom design element of the StormTree structures were their seamless integration with granite curbing and pavers, providing surface continuity.

Mashpee, MA

New Bedford, MA

New Bedford, MA tree filter
New Bedford, MA map copy.jpg

StormTree provided tree filters as part of an urban renewal project in New Bedford, Massachusetts under the direction of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (DOT). Several stormwater management systems were installed along a busy highway leading to an inner harbor restaurant district. The systems collect roadway runoff that enters an interior pretreatment sump accessed via a manway cover. The trees selected will have a mature height of over 40 feet.

New Bedfod, MA

Huntington Beach, CA

Huntington Beach, CA tree filter map

Huntington Beach is a seaside city in Southern California. Bordered by the Pacific Ocean on the west (Los Angeles is 40 miles to the north), HB (for short) is known for over 8 miles of beautiful beach, mild climate, and excellent surfing, earning it the nickname of Surf City.


StormTree was contracted to provide stormwater management systems to service 4 acres of impervious surface for a municipal building complex adjacent to a busy 8 lane Boulevard. Ten systems were installed within the various parking lot islands. Surface runoff and remote catch basins conveyed stormwater to the various open sided systems. Small trees, shrubs, and ornamental grasses tolerant of excessive heat and drought were selected for both the StormTree systems and the islands. Hardscape mulching was used instead of organic mulch to prevent weed growth and minimize maintenance.

Huntington Beach, CA


Boston, MA

Kneeland St, Boston, MA
Storm Tree - logo_FINAL_R (002).png


U.S. Patent Nos.


European Patent No. 3347523

Other patents pending




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